Our Values

Welcome to St Peter's. We are a large, friendly and diverse evangelical Anglican church in Harold Wood.

Whether you’ve lived here all your life or just moved to the area, we’d love you to join us for any of our services and events.

Here’s some good stuff to know about us.

Our Values
You can often tell what someone is like from what they love. What is St Peter’s all about? Here are some of the things that matter most to us:
  • We love Jesus. Above all, we want to know him more, and help others do the same.
  • We love listening to the Bible. We believe that when the Bible is faithfully preached, God’s voice is heard. So we make teaching the Bible central in all we do.
  • We love our church family. When Christians meet together, we are encouraged and others get to see what a difference Jesus makes. So even though we’re quite a big church, and very diverse, we make it a priority to love each other as a family.
  • We love diversity. Our church family is made up of all sorts of people. There are people who’ve lived around here there whole lives and people who’ve moved here recently. We have people at different ages, different life stages and from many nationalities, all united together by our faith in Jesus.
  • We love our community. We’re proud to the parish church in Harold Wood, seeking to serve our local area. Because we’re convinced of the brilliance of Jesus, we want others to have the chance to know him too. So we’re also committed to sharing Jesus locally, and supporting others to do the same thing around the world.
latest sermon

1 John 1: 5 – 2:6

Join us this Sunday

We meet each Sunday at 9am and 11am (with groups for children up to age 18) and 6.30pm.