With everything going on in the world at the moment, are you looking for hope? Looking for answers? Looking for God?
Perhaps you’re not sure what you believe or you’d like to examine the claims of Jesus Christ for yourself.
We run regular, free courses that explore the heart of the Christian faith. You’re welcome whatever you do or don’t believe. There’s lots of time for questions and discussion as we explore the message of Jesus together and ask how he relates to our lives today.
Each session includes a thought-provoking video and time for discussion. You are not asked to pray, sing or read aloud, and you can ask anything you like—no question is too simple or too challenging to ask.
Join our Christianity Explored course this spring
It’s a seven-week discussion course considering who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him.
Starts Thu 6th Feb, 8pm at St Peter’s
What's the Christian faith all about?
In one word, it’s about Jesus.
Being a Christian doesn’t mean being better than other people. It doesn’t mean we have some strange ability to be ‘spiritual’ that no-one else has. And it doesn’t mean that we are really gullible.
It means coming to know a man called Jesus, and then to trust him with our life, both now and forever. Here’s what one eye-witness says about Jesus:
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth...No-one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known.
John 1:14,18
- Christians believe that Jesus is the only God, and that he came to show us what God is like. That means it is worth knowing him.
- Christians believe that Jesus came in human flesh, and that people who were eye-witnesses of what he said and did wrote it down for us in the Bible. That means it is possible to know him.
- Christians believe that Jesus is full of grace and truth. In other words, he is the best kind of news – good, and true. That means it is life-changing to know him.
Because we believe these things about Jesus, we are also committed to help others of all ages get to know him for themselves. Why wouldn’t we be, when he is so good to know?