
God is the great giver. His greatest gift to us is Jesus. Christian giving is never attempt to earn God's favour. It's always simply a response to all of God's generosity in what he has given us.

The Bible tells Christians to give cheerfully (because we want to, not because we have to) and generously (because that’s what God is like). The ministry of St Peter’s relies on the generous giving of the church family here.

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.

How to give

Thank you so much for considering making a gift to St Peter’s. We are grateful for every gift and we encourage members of St Peter’s to give regularly towards the gospel ministry that we do in Harold Wood and beyond.

Regular giving

Recurring gifts can be made by Standing Order through your bank. These help us to plan financially through the year.

One-off gifts

You can make a one-off gift by bank transfer using the bank details below. You can also make an online payment here.

In person

You can give by cash or cheque using the offering boxes at St Peter's.

Bank account details

Account: PCC of St Peter's Church, Harold Wood
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00007117

Give online

You can give by credit or debit card online.

If you are a UK taxpayer…
Please make sure you also complete and return a Gift Aid declaration. Then we can increase the value of your gift by reclaiming the basic rate of income tax. That means an extra 25% on top of your gift, at no cost to you. Email the Treasurer to find out more.