The heart of our life together as a church is our time together on Sundays. But in a big church, smaller groups are one of the best ways of getting to know others well.
We run a range of smaller groups for adults during the week to provide opportunities to spend time together, look at the Bible and pray for one another. You’d be welcome to join one. We have groups and activities designed…
For everyone
Small Groups
Weekly on Tuesdays or Wednesdays
What? We grow most as Christians when we meet regularly together for Bible study, prayer, and mutual encouragement. So we encourage every member of St Peter’s to join a Small Group.
When? Small Groups meet weekly during school term-time either in the daytime or in evenings. On one week each month all our groups gather together for our Prayer Central.
Where? Nearly 20 Small Groups meet across the area in people’s homes—get in touch and we’ll help find a group for you to join.
One-to-one Bible reading
Reading the Bible one-to-one with another Christian helps us grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus. We encourage as many people as possible to be doing this—just get in touch for help to get started.
For men
Men's Breakfast
Usually the third Saturday of the month, 8-9.30am
Seeking to build up men in faith and fellowship, there is a cooked breakfast (£3.50), followed by a guest speaker.
Men's Lunch
Usually the second Tuesday of the month (Sep-Jun), 11.30am-2pm
A two-course home-cooked lunch (just £5), with a thought-provoking talk afterwards from a Christian speaker.
For women
Tuesdays in school term-time, 9.30-11.15am
After coffee and a short introduction together, we split into groups to read the Bible, pray and get to know one another. A crèche is provided.
Women's Prayer Breakfast
Usually fourth Saturday of the month, 9.45-11.30am
Bringing together women of all ages from all stages of life to pray for another and our church family. Hot drinks and pastries are served.
For older people
Good Companions
Wednesdays in school term-time, 12.30-3pm
A lunch and social club. Includes an afternoon ‘activity’ and a short Bible prologue. Occasional outings are also arranged.
Tuesday at Two
Most Tuesdays, 2-3pm
A daytime Bible study and prayer fellowship.