Men’s Lunch

Men's Lunch

Established in 1984

Since 1984, St. Peter's Church has been running a monthly lunch meeting for men who are around during the day. 40 years on, these regular lunches continue to be very popular.

Our aim is to provide a relaxed environment for men to enjoy fellowship and friendship together over a ‘home cooked’ lunch, and an opportunity to hear and respond to the Christian message through Christian ‘after lunch’ guest speakers or appropriate entertainment. Some talks are now recorded so you can download them and listen again!

Lunches are normally held on the 2nd Tuesday between September and June. Occasionally we have a ‘themed’ lunch such as – Remembrance, Christmas, Summer Special or a Missionary focus.

We begin at 11.30am with tea/coffee and a natter. Lunch is served at about 12.30pm followed by a talk/presentation and, after more tea/coffee, we finish at around 2.30pm – a £5.00 donation is suggested to help defray expenses.

To reserve your lunch place or for more details, please contact St. Peter’s ‘Welcome Desk’ on 01708 342080 or fill in the form on our contact page.

We look forward to seeing you.

Our next lunch

latest sermon

1 John 1: 5 – 2:6

Join us this Sunday

We meet each Sunday at 9am and 11am (with groups for children up to age 18) and 6.30pm.