For Children & Youth

We love having lots of children and young people at St Peter's.

We believe that children are a gift from God, are loved by Jesus, and are the future of the church, so we are deeply committed to providing the very best care, fun, and appropriate Bible input to even the youngest members of our family. We also want to support parents in their crucial role as the primary disciplers of their children.

We have fantastic facilities, and a committed team of full-time and volunteer staff who run groups for all ages.


For adults, babies and pre-school children

ABC is a popular group and there’s often a short waiting list, so please email us to check before planning to come.

When? Two identical ABC groups run during term time, on Mondays and Fridays at 10-11.30am.

What? There’s time for play, refreshments, cake, chat, messy crafts and games, plus a focused time with a Bible story, singing and actions too!


For babies and children under 3

Sundays: During our morning services, Diggers is our supervised creche with lots of toys, plus songs and a Bible story.

Little Explorers

For Nursery and Reception age children

Sundays during our morning services: Our Little Explorers enjoy Bible teaching in a fun and engaging way, learning about God and ourselves through interactive stories, activities, prayer and craft.


For children in school years 1 to 6

Sundays: During our morning services, there’s Bible teaching for Explorers from the same passage as the rest of the church family. There’s time all together learning from the passage, and then they apply this in age-appropriate groups through playing games, doing crafts, singing songs, and memorising Bible passages.

Tuesdays: From 4.30-5.30pm during term time, we have fun looking through the Bible together, playing games, doing crafts and getting to know each other.


For young people in school years 7-9

Sundays: During our morning services, Pathfinders study the same Bible passage as  the rest of the church family. Plus there’s time for praying, playing games and getting to know one another.

Wednesdays: From 7.30-9pm during term time, there’s a talk from the Bible, games and time to chat in small groups. Pathfinders also have regular socials and trips to places such as Jump Evolution, Laser Tag and Stubbers Activity Centre.


For young people in school years 10-13

Sundays: CYFA are encouraged to take part in the main Church service.

Wednesdays: From 7.30-9.15pm during term time, CYFA aims to help teenagers see how the message of Jesus is true and relevant for living in today’s world. there’s a talk from the Bible, games and time to chat in small groups. CYFA also have regular socials and trips to places such as Jump Evolution, Laser Tag and Stubbers Activity Centre.


We want to partner with parents in their role as the primary disciplers of their children. We try to do this in lots of ways informally, but we also run various events for parents through the year.

Explorer parents are invited to join other parents during Explorers on Tuesdays, 4.30-5.30pm at The Hub. It’s a welcoming, supportive group, chatting over coffee, plus 5@5— a five-minute Bible focus at 5pm.

Pathfinder and CYFA parents meet at The Hub once each half term on a Wednesday evening to get to know each other and think through how to raise our children in the Christian faith.

Parents’ training evenings take place once a term, with resources and help for godly parenting in an ever-changing society.

latest sermon

1 John 1: 5 – 2:6

Join us this Sunday

We meet each Sunday at 9am and 11am (with groups for children up to age 18) and 6.30pm.