Sunday services

Whether you're looking for a church to join, or looking into what Christians believe, we'd love to welcome you one Sunday.

Joining us on a Sunday is the best way of getting to know us and discovering what Christianity is all about.

We have newcomers and visitors with us every Sunday and we’d love to welcome you.

You’ll find people of all ages and from all parts of the world, including people who have been committed Christians for years and those questioning and exploring the Christian faith.

Our Sunday services are at

9am & 11am

Our morning services last around 1 hour and 15 minutes. There are groups for children aged 0-18 at these services during school terms.


Our evening services last around 1 hour and 15 minutes. All ages are welcome, but there are no supervised groups for children.

Along with songs and prayers, the focus of our time together is on the Bible reading and a sermon.

We celebrate Holy Communion together most weeks in the evening service, and once a month in the morning service.

You can check any changes to our upcoming service times on our calendar.

Our next services