Our Partners

Our vision for the 2020s is equipping God's family to keep serving, strengthening, and starting gospel churches.

We focus inwards on gospel ministry at St Peter’s so that we might be more able to help gospel ministry beyond our church. That means we value our partnerships in the gospel with nearby churches and with mission partners further afield.


Crosslinks is a mission agency with workers in over 35 countries. Crosslinks believe mission is all about making disciples of Jesus Christ so their people and projects are all involved in frontline evangelism or training pastor-teachers. The Bible is central to all they do.
Contact at St Peter’s: John Davis


Graceworks is linked to Scripture Union. Graceworks Havering is about delivering and co-ordinating quality Christian schools work across our local schools and has been doing so for over 25 years.
Contact at St Peter’s: John Davis

Ben Williamson

Ben first became one of our mission partners when he was serving with Crosslinks in South Africa. Now he’s returned to the UK and is preparing to plant a new Anglican church in north Manchester.
Contact at St Peter’s: John Davis

Christian Hope International

Christian Hope International aims to bring the true hope that can only be found in Jesus along with practical aid to those in need in Rwanda and Uganda through Child Sponsorship and Small Community projects. We also provide support to those suffering in Eastern Europe. The charity was started in 1994, mainly through members of St Peters, and is still based in Harold Wood.
Contact at St Peter’s: Joff Trinder or Paul Guyver

Jeanette Law

Jeanette is the children and families worker at St Paul’s, Banbury. As well as leading the children’s ministry in the church, she also visits local schools for assemblies and is involved in different ways of reaching out to the community with the good news of Jesus. Before moving to Banbury, Jeanette was a member of St Peter’s.
Contact at St Peter’s: John Chan

Millie Burroughs

Millie works with UCCF as a Christian Union Staff Worker, based at Falmouth University. In her role, she seeks to support Christian students as they seek to share the message of Jesus on campus. Millie was part of the St Peter’s church family as a child.
Contact at St Peter’s: John Chan

Release International

Release International is a Christian ministry working through local church partners in around 30 countries across the world, helping persecuted Christians prayerfully, pastorally and practically. Its ministry is based on Hebrews 13v3: ‘Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.’
Contact at St Peter’s: Marj Tulloch

Steve and Ali Nicolle

Steve and Ali serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators and are based at the Canada Institute of Linguistics in Vancouver. Steve teaches linguistics and translation skills for Bible translation. They previously lived in Kenya for almost 15 years, working to translate the Bible into the heart language of the Digo people. Steve grew up at St Peter’s.
Contact at St Peter’s: Anthony Nicolle

Martin Reakes-Williams

Martin has been the Rector of St Matthew’s, Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, part of the Intercontinental Church Society, since 2021. He was previously the pastor of an English-speaking church in Leipzig, Germany, for over 20 years. Martin was formerly a curate at St Peter’s.
Contact at St Peter’s: Anthony Nicolle
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Carols by Candlelight

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We meet each Sunday at 9am and 11am (with groups for children up to age 18) and 6.30pm.